TPC Louisiana

June 9-12, 2022




  1. Starting times will be from 7:30-9:09 a.m. and from 12:00-1:39 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, and Friday, June 10, off #1 and #10 tees. Field will be cut to the lowest 60 scorers and ties for play on Saturday, June 11, and Sunday, June 12. Starting times will begin at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 11, and Sunday, June 12, off #1 tee, with the leaders going off last. All pairings will be in groups of three (3) in nine (9) minute intervals.


  1. In the event of a tie for the Championship there will be a sudden death playoff beginning on a hole as determined by the Committee and continuing in order until a Champion is determined. 


  1. Competitors must be neat in appearance and wear appropriate attire. No gym shorts, cutoffs, blue jeans, tee shirts, etc.


  1. Caddies: Caddies are permissible during the Championship. However, both the competitor and his caddie may not ride in a cart at the same time, i.e., one of the two must walk if the other is being transported in a cart. 


  1. Spectator carts will not be available during the Championship. 


  1. Play will be governed by the Rules of Golf and the LGA Rules of Play Card.


  1. Prizes: Gift Certificates will be awarded to the top twenty (20) finishers in the Championship.  The Amateur Champion will also receive a Crystal Trophy signifying the 103rd Amateur Championship.


  1. Withdrawing: Please notify the LGA office as soon as possible if you must withdraw. Call the LGA at 337-265-3938, Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. or email Jacob Oaks at joaks@lgagolf.org.


  1. Important Note: Underage individuals will not be served alcoholic beverages. Please be prepared to show documentation of age if requested.






Pace of Play


Rule 5.6 states, in part: “The player must not unreasonably delay play.” You must play without undue delay and in accordance with the pace of play guidelines that the Committee may establish. The penalty for breach of this Rule is one stroke for first offense and two strokes for second offense. For subsequent offense, the penalty is a disqualification.


We do not wish to apply penalties for undue delay.  However, we insist that in the interest of all, the pace of play be reasonable.  We believe that it would be unreasonable for a group of three players to take more than 15 minutes per hole (4 hours and 30 minutes for the round) to play.


The first group to start will be considered out of position if, at any point in the round, the group is taking more than 15 minutes per hole to play.  Any subsequent group will be considered out of position if it (a) is taking more than 15 minutes per hole to play and (b) reaches the tee of a par-3 hole and the preceding group has cleared the next tee; reaches the tee of a par-4 hole and the putting green is clear; or reaches the teeing ground of a par-5 hole when the preceding group is on the putting green.  Both (a) and (b) must apply for a group to be out of position.


Any group not in position will be alerted of the fact and requested to play at a faster pace.  Any such group will be monitored, i.e., the time that each player takes to play each stroke will be recorded.  Any player in a group out of position who takes more than 40 seconds (50 seconds in the case of a player who is first to play (1) an approach shot, (2) on or near the putting green, or (3) from the teeing ground on a par-3 hole) to play a stroke on two different occasions will be advised of the fact and told that, if he exceeds the time limit on two more shots, he will automatically incur the applicable penalty (see above) under Rule 5.6.


Other than on the putting green, the timing of a player’s stroke will begin when it is his turn to play and he can play without interference or distraction.  Time spent determining yardage will count as time taken for the next stroke.


On the putting green, the timing will begin after a player has been allowed a reasonable amount of time to mark, lift, clean and replace his ball; repair ball marks and remove loose impediments on his line of putt.  Time spent looking at the line from beyond the hole and/or behind the ball will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke.


Undue delay may occur between strokes.  Accordingly, a player may be subject to penalty under Rule 5.6, even if he plays each of his strokes in less than the time allowed.  If a ruling or some other legitimate delay occurs which causes the group in question to lose its position, that group is expected to regain its position within a reasonable time.


If a group being timed regains its proper position, any previous “bad times” will be carried over for the remainder of the round in the event that group requires additional monitoring.  The Committee reserves the right, at any time, to time a group when deemed necessary.  


We sincerely request your cooperation.


Please note the specific pace of play timing intervals for your group on your scorecard.